

Ethical, Sustainable & Certified

“Quality Means Customers Satisfaction” - Build Brand worthy of customers Trust.

At VKA, we are focused and prioritised towards quality and customer satisfaction. Being in this diary market, we ensure our products are not only healthiest and tastiest but also affordable for all. Quality is guaranteed at its best. To do so,

  • Monitoring and ensuring food safety handling practices and procedures are implemented at every stage
  • Our production system is fine- tuned at every level to make sure the best quality is delivered to our consumers
  • Raw milk undergoes various tests and finished products are done under specific guidelines to achieve the stringent quality standards.
  • Higher standards of hygiene and purity are adhered Satisfaction is bringing business and customers together. At the end of all, Wellness loaded in each pack.

Improving Milk Quality

Milk quality is of paramount importance to dairy farms.


The main question is why milk quality is so important. First of all: because it is a human food! Secondly because the farmer gets paid for the milk. The amount of fat and protein, somatic cell count, bacterial count, freezing point and free fatty acids are also decisive factors for the eventual payment; the approach varies from one country to another.

Research & Developement

High quality milk can be produced by means of automated milking. However, hygienic working is essential and the dairy farmer should also ensure that the correct settings are used. We do follow and maintaining right factor in all aspects of milk producing.

Quality Assurance

Assurance @village level procurement: We product milk directly from farmers in villages on daily basis. We have automated milk collection canters which ensures correct testing of adulteration, fat and snf etc., we ensure the milk is collected within 30 minutes from milking from the cow. The collected milk then transported to nearby bulk milk chilling centres and there it is chilled to 4° C to ensure the natural flavour and taste, then transported in insulated milk tanker for further processing and packing.

  • Milk from every farmer is tested for adulteration and presence of preservatives
  • At BMC level tested for presence of antibiotic residues
  • Tested for pesticide and residues
  • Tested for diseases producing harmful bacteria
VKA milk is 100% hygienic, fresh, natural flavour and taste.
  • Free from preservatives
  • Free from adulterations
  • Free from antibiotics
  • Free from heavy metal residue
  • Free from pesticide residue
  • Free from harmful bacteria
  • Every batch (Milk, Curd & by product tested)

Farmer's Training Programme

It is evident that good quality of initial raw milk milked from the healthy cows will give very good finished product.In order to ensure good quality of raw milk procured without any adulteration certain important training programmes are being conducted to educate the farmers.

The training programmes include.

  • Dairy herd management.
  • Animal reproduction
  • Animal nutrition and feed supplement
  • Animal disease Control

The milk Procured from our farmers have fresh taste and very less bacterial count in order to ensure good quality of milk at farm level we also provide.

  • Automated village level collection centres
  • On the spot fat testing and billing
  • Village level cooling centres
  • Bulk milk collection centres to cover milk the procured from nearby the villages.